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LPN to RN Bridge


15-Month fast track program

Class Times

  • Day Class Times
  • A portion of this program is offered online
  • Laptops are available to students


Graduates will be eligible to sit for National Council Licensure Exam for Registered Nurses (NCLEX-RN)

LPN to RN Bridge Program in Kentucky

Our LPN to RN Bridge program in Louisville, KY is specifically designed to offer you the flexibility of online classes while still focusing on the benefit of hands-on training in our on-campus labs.

Our program offers an accelerated track for current LPNs to take their nursing career to the next level as an RN by earning an Associate Degree in Nursing!

The Kentucky program is taught by experienced and qualified nursing faculty! Students will receive training in a classroom setting, modern on-site laboratories, and also offsite clinical experience!

NCLEX Preparation

This program includes a wide variety of NCLEX preparation assessments to help students gain critical thinking skills and the comprehensive nursing knowledge needed to be successful in the healthcare field!

Upon successful completion of the LPN to RN Bridge program and clinical practicum, graduates are eligible to apply to sit for the National Council Licensure Exam for Practical Nurses (NCLEX-RN).

Contact Us

ATA College is an accredited academic institution committed to helping students realize their full potential in the allied health field. We’re excited that you’re thinking about your education, and we’re happy to tell you that ATA College can help get you exactly where you want to be in your career. If you are interested in enrolling at ATA College contact us today or call 502-371-8383 to learn more.

The ATA College, Practical/Vocational Nursing Program and Associate Degree in Nursing Program, are pursuing accreditation from the National League for Nursing Commission for Nursing Education Accreditation (NLN CNEA), located at 2600 Virginia Avenue, NW, 8th Floor, Washington, DC 20037; phone 202-909-2487. Interested parties are invited to submit third party comments in writing directly to NLN CNEA ( no later than April 21, 2025.

Where do Registered Nurses work?

  • Hospitals
  • Skilled Care Units
  • Assisted Living Centers, Long-Term Care Facilities
  • Medical/Surgical Clinics
  • Home Health
  • Immediate Care Centers

Admission Criteria:

  • Complete the Nursing Application
  • Acceptance by the Program Director
  • Satisfactorily pass a 9 panel drug test
  • HESI A2:
    • 80% in Reading
    • 80% in Math
  • ACT composite score of at least 19 or higher or
  • SAT composite score of at least 1030

Curriculum for the LPN to RN Bridge

Term 1 (14)   Credit Hours
ANA200 Anatomy & Physiology 4
COM201 Nursing Informatics 4
ENG200 English Composition 4
NPN200 LPN to RN Role Transition 2
Term 2 (10)    
ANA202 Anatomy & Physiology II 4
MAT200 College Algebra 3
PSY202 Developmental Psychology 3
Term 3 (12)    
NPN208 Medical-Surgical Nursing I 8
PHA202 Advanced Pharmacology 4
Term 4 (14.5)    
NPN210 Medical Surgical II 6
NPN211 Maternal Health 5.5
SOC201 Intro to Sociology 3
Term 5 (12)    
HUM201 American Literature 3
MIC212 Microbiology 4
NPN209 Mental Health Nursing 5
Term 6 (12)    
NPN212 Pediatric Nursing 5.5
NPN214 Acute Care Nursing 6
PRA215 Integrated Practicum 4
Total 78
Credit Awarded for PN License 12
Total Credits required for completion 90

*Orange Indicates a course taken via distance education

Tuition and Fees    
Tuition per Credit Hour   $355
Application Fee   $25
Registration Fee   $50
Quarterly General Fee   $200
Nursing Fee   $2,100
Total Estimated Student   $3,350
Total textbook cost   $3,122
Total Tuition   $27,690
Total Program Cost $34,162

* – If courses are repeated tuition will be charged for the repeat of the course

Transfer of Credits Earned at ATA

Decisions concerning the acceptance of credits by an institution other than the granting institution are made at the sole discretion of the receiving institution. No representation is made whatsoever concerning the transferability of any credits to any institution. ATA programs are considered to be vocational/terminal in nature, due to this credits are unlikely to transfer.

Career Services

Upon completion of the LPN to RN Bridge program, our Career Services team will work with Graduates to assist with career placement! Contact Us today to get started.

Find A Campus

LPN to RN Bridge is offered at the following ATA Campuses:

ATA College - Louisville, KY Campus

Louisville, KY Campus

ATA College - Cincinnati, OH Campus

Cincinnati, OH Campus

What Our Students Are Saying

ATA gave me the tools I needed to succeed. They changed my life and my children’s life as well – Medical Assisting program student

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